Stargate FAQ
Will these be for sale?
I currently have these listed for made to order.
For shipping information please see my regular FAQ
What sizes will be available
The liquid core stargate dice will be exclusive to 45mm and only available for presale.
For a future shop update, I will have multiple designs in 45mm, 35mm, and 22mm. I have no dates set for those at this time since I have been primarily focused on the pre-sale.
How much will they be?
These are currently available as made to order for $450.
Can I get a whole set?
Unfortunately I am currently only working on the d20 designs. Getting dice all the way to a finished product is a long process that includes 3d modeling and hand polishing every die. So for the time being I do not have immediate plans to get a full set made, but may reconsider if the d20s do well.
Are they balanced?
I have put a lot of time into the design of these to ensure they are function as useable art. All the stargates are made from resin with roughly the same density and the liquid cores have been designed to be as centered as possible. Most importantly, the masters and finished dice have all been sanded and polished by hand making it easier to keep the sides even.